Saturday, July 11, 2015

We Were One Once by Willow Madison 5 Fabulous Stars!

we were one once: Book 1we were one once: Book 1 by Willow Madison
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Written review to come when I've wrapped my head around the awesomeness that is this book. Okay, I've had time to wrap my mind and write my review, so here it is in all its glory...

This story grabbed me by the throat and would not let go until I finished it. If you enjoy dark reads, you’ll enjoy this book. If you enjoy stories that push the boundaries, this is the story for you. If you enjoy stories that take you on a ride and mind f*** you, this is the story for you. I enjoyed it. I recommend it.

I don’t want to provide any plot spoilers in this review because really, that would be bad for those who haven’t read it yet. To spoil the surprise, the utter goodness of what this story provides. I will say it was well written. I was drawn into the story immediately. I will talk about the characters and how I felt about them.

Simon… what can I say about Simon? He is my new book boyfriend, joining the ranks with Takeshi and a few other book boyfriends (yeah I’m a bit of a book slut). Simon is an awesome character who comes alive on the pages. His needs, his wants, had me from word one. His ‘product’ made me gasp.

Simon is dark. He is unapologetically, absolutely, hedonistically, beautifully dark. I loved him all the more for it. He was Alpha in a way that makes other Alpha men look weak. He enjoys what he enjoys and doesn’t apologize for it.

Though I love Simon, I didn’t like Simon until Grace. Grace is a fascinating character and I couldn’t help but fall for her just as Simon fell. He loved the many facets of Grace and I must say, there are many. Simon is a better person with Grace. Grace, as broken as she is, displays a strength that shines through on the page. There would be very few women who would have the strength to love Simon. Grace, beautifully damaged Grace, is one of those who bring light to Simon’s dark world.

This story worked for me. The characters worked for me. I reveled in it and them. I am going to enjoy book 2 now…

View all my reviews

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